Our Team

  • Keith Aotaki

    President/Director of Engineering

    Keith has thirty plus years in television management, most recently Director of Engineering for the Raycom station group. He completed the build out of the high-definition New Media Center housing all three stations on Waiakamilo Road in 2009. Most recently, Keith designed and built HD production control rooms and studios, HD fly packs, mobile production truck units, in addition to relocating transmitters and studios to new facilities.

  • Bryan Kam

    Vice President/CFO

    Bryan has over twenty-five years in television management most recently as the Controller/HR Director for the Raycom stations. He held the same position at Lee Enterprise’s CBS station for ten years prior, and also worked as a practicing CPA for Coopers and Lybrand.

  • Terrence Quinsaat

    Vice President/Supervising Engineer

    Terrence has worked in the television production and engineering industry since 1991. He has led production teams for numerous local shows as well as worked and trained others as our lead trainer on many critical positions for hundreds of live sporting events for KHNL/KFVE, Spectrum Sports, CBS, ESPN and NBC Sports. He is also our primary engineer on major design/build and installation projects for all of the local TV stations.